This video features a great free plugin from Jay Ovens-Henig that allows us to easily add Beaver Builder templates to the Beaver Builder theme’s header and footer areas. It also adds back the correct header and footer HTML and mark-up when the theme’s headers and footers are removed.
Notes on this Video
The Headers and Footers Templates plugin is available here.
Answers to a few queries :
- You can still use the Beaver Builder “Fixed header” that appears on page scroll but only the “Fade In” option. (Customise > Header > Header Layout > Fixed Header > Fade In )
- You can use the Beaver Builder Menu module (under Advanced Modules) to recreate the WordPress navigation in a saved row template. (It does not have the Navigation schema markup like the native Beaver Builder header does, but I personally think this small loss is not worth worrying about).
- This plugin applies a global header/footer across all pages and posts. It does not allow conditions to be set. (Update: Beaver Tunnels does allow great flexibility with “conditionals” and presently a way to add markup to it is being worked on – see note below.)
Also mentioned are my new favorite plugins:
Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder
Power Pack (for Beaver Builder)
Beaver Tunnels
(These are affiliate links).
Update: I am presently testing something from the Beaver Tunnels guys that will allow the Schema to be added to that too.

I build websites at WP Corner Shop and travel. I also co-host a weekly WordPress podcast called WP Builds and make YouTube videos.
Hi David,
I downloaded the headers and footers plugin and installed it. I had just added Beaver Pro, and Ultimate Add ons. The headers and footers created a blank screen and I had to delete it via FTP – which repaired the problem, but no headers and footers.
Any suggestions?
Hi John,
Oh that’s bad. Jay did a recently update, but only something to check whether Beaver Builder theme was installed. Some had another themes activated and it broke their sites (as it’ only for the BB theme).
I’m really not sure. This plugin does such a simple job that it seems unlikely to be the actual cause of the issue.
Ultimate Addons does break things if all its “sections” are added and the WP memory limit is set to the fairly standard but low 512MB. Clutching at straws here, but maybe try without UABB activated? Clearing the Page Builder Cache under WP Setting is the usual place for the display issues, but it sounds like more than that.
Happy to look if you have a login you want to share. email: david(at)
Hi David, I’ll try this out thank you.
What happens to the mobile header and mobile menu button that would normally b enabled if one implements this solution?
Sorry about lazy question I should probably just try it out for myself ;-)
Hi Hugues, A really good question. It goes too :-( so you are left only with what the menu mobile can do (which I think is about to change), but it is/was just giving the mobile options of text or the hamburger icon.
I felt there was more I should have cover on this, but the chat about this got the Beaver Builder team committing to having more flexible header options for the theme. Also the Ultimate Addons folks entered another in the race. Thought maybe I should leave this topic for a while